Real Estate and Personal Property tax bills went out on 10/9/2024 and will be due in two partial payments. See Supplemental letter from Board below.
Tax Collector: Densie Rancourt (term expires June 2025)
E-mail: Taxcollector@theforksplt.org
Taxes have been split into two payments this year. The first tax payment is due on December 31, 2024. The second tax payment is due on April 30, 2025. You may pay both payments at the same time if preferred. Interest will be charged for each missed payment at a rate of 8.5% on January 1, 2025 for the first payment and May 1, 2025 for the second payment.
Tax Bills are mailed to the primary owner of record. Please let the Tax Collector know if your mailing address has changed from the prior year to ensure the proper change to information and delivery.
Tax payments are accepted in the form of check or money order made payable to The Forks Plantation. All payments should be mailed to the address below:
Tax Collector
Box 35
West Forks., ME 04985
A payment receipt can be requested. Please include a self- addressed, stamped envelope to ensure proper return to you.
The Forks Plt will accept multiple payments for taxes due. If you wish to set up a payment arrangement, please contact the Tax Collector at the above phone number or email address.
It is important to note that tax revenue not collected by year end will enter the Lien status/procedure. The planation does follow the collection guidelines set forth by this process. Once the property tax Lien is recorded, the Treasurer for The Forks Plt will take over collection authority. Please contact the Treasurer for further information at 207-663-4454.
Copies of tax bills can be forwarded upon request to the Tax Collector.