Moxie Pond
Photo: Three Rivers

Moxie Pond Information

Detailed lake information can be found here.

Area - 2370 acres

Maximum depth - 51 feet, mean depth is 12 feet

Principal fisheries: Landlocked salmon, brook trout, white perch

Access and Parking: Moxie Pond is accessible from a boat launch site near the outlet. It can be reached via a road leaving Route 201 in The Forks Plt. The pond is open to fishing in the summer with no live fish as bait and closed in the winter months.The Forks maintains public parking  at the Lake Moxie boat landing. Daily trailer parking is allowed as designated at the area. Long term trailer parking is by permit only. Please contact the Town Office at 207-663-4454 to request a permit. There is no fee for the permit however, those parked without a tag will be towed at owners expense.

Moxie Pond is located east of Mosquito Mountain. Many small inlets enter from the east and west sides of the pond. Its outlet, Moxie Stream, exits the north end through a dam and flows west to the Kennebec River. The pond’s shoreline is lightly developed. Water quality in Moxie Pond is good for coldwater gamefish. Salmonid growth remains good, despite competition from the large numbers of white perch, which were illegally introduced around 1985. The pond’s numerous inlets provide spawning and nursery areas for brook trout. This population is supplemented with annual stockings to provide a fishery. Salmon are stocked periodically to provide a fishery for this species.

Lake Moxie Dam: The dam is managed by The Forks Plantation. The lake is drawn down in the fall annually and the date of the drawdown is dependent on weather conditions. The Forks attempts to leave the lake at a level so that camp owners can access Lake Moxie as late into the year as possible. The Forks will begin to fill the lake in the spring as weather conditions allow. Questions should be directed to The Forks Plt by email or by calling 207-663-4454.

Lake Moxie Campers Association: An independent, non- profit association of Lake Moxie camp owners. For more information, on meetings, events and membership, please visit their website at: or email: