Pleasant Pond looking west to east. (photo:Joseph Ferris III)

Pleasant Pond is located on the border of The Forks Plantation and the Town of Caratunk.

Detailed lake information can be found here.

Area - 1037 acres

Maximum depth - 198 feet, mean depth is 77 feet

Principal fisheries: Lake trout, brook trout

Pleasant Pond is located west of Pleasant Pond Mountain. Many small inlets enter the pond’s north and south shorelines. Its outlet, Pleasant Pond Stream, exits the west end of the pond and flows west into the Kennebec River. The pond’s shoreline is partially developed. Water quality in Pleasant Pond is excellent for coldwater gamefish. Brook trout and lake trout utilize spawning areas along the shoreline to reproduce. The brook trout population is supplemented with annual stockings to maintain a fishery. Lake trout numbers are high enough to support a fishery without stocking. Salmonid growth is good with only light competition from other fish species. Pleasant Pond is accessible via a private boat launch on the west shore. It is reached by a paved road off Route 201. A fee is charged to use this site. The pond is open to fishing with the use of live fish as bait being prohibited in the summer months and is closed to ice fishing.

Pleasant Pond Protective Association (PPPA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the maintenance of the scenic beauty of Pleasant Pond and its vicinity in Caratunk and The Forks, Maine and to protect the waters of Pleasant Pond for our residents, members, outdoor enthusiasts and future generations. We publish a newsletter and we encourage membership to help in our efforts. Pleasant Pond is a beautiful place with the best water clarity in the state of Maine. We have no phone, email or website but can be contacted through our Facebook page. We run a boat launch on West Shore Road near the intersection with Pleasant Pond Road. This is staffed by volunteers who can be reached with the use of the courtesy phone at the launch. Our mailing address is PPPA, PO Box 36, Caratunk, ME 04925.